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Dark plastic bags - burning, buried which is good

1, dark plastic bags burning: the current plastic bag is a major way of burning, burning will produce a substance called dioxin, is currently known that the greatest harm to this material is irreversible "three" Toxicity, that is teratogenic, carcinogenic, mutagenic. It is "the largest environmental hormone poisoning," once through the environmental media and food chain into the human body or wild animals, it will interfere with its endocrine system and reproductive function system, affecting the survival and reproduction of future generations. Dioxin is a colorless and tasteless fat-soluble substances, it is very toxic, is cyanide 130 times, 900 times the arsenic, the "century of the drug," said. The International Cancer Research Center has classified it as a human first class carcinogen. Environmental experts say that "dioxin" often exists in tiny particles in the atmosphere, soil and water, the main source of pollution is the chemical metallurgical industry, waste incineration, paper and the production of pesticides and other industries. People's daily use of PVC plastic bags contain chlorine, burning these items will release dioxin, suspended in the air.
2, plastic bags filled with waste plastics with landfill will not only take up a lot of land, and the occupied land for a long time can not be restored, affecting the sustainable use of land. As the waste plastic products into the garbage if it is landfill, 200 years of time without degradation, which exacerbated the pressure on land resources. Human beings not only our generation to be surrounded by garbage, but also make future generations to survive the space.
Therefore, whether it is burning or landfill is not the final solution is not the best way to avoid the pollution caused by plastic bags need to be resolved from the source.

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